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You Shall Move Mountains If You Believe!

Writer: Joyce LouisonJoyce Louison

Updated: Oct 20, 2019

The popular Science Journal, recently quoted Scientist with evidence that the mountains of the Himalayas moved five (5) feet after the Nepal’s Earthquake on 25th April 2015. Still we have no faith, and do not believe in the power that we possess.


But we all act as if we are not part of the problem, we feel sorry for the victims, we throw a bit of money at the problem, we give in to the world consciousness of fear, as if being Charlie was not enough, we wait for the next piece of news that will distract us. Meanwhile the “powers that be” laugh all the way to increased wealth and power, while making comments about how much more the world should be doing to help Nepal.

Well we did enough! As a matter of fact, I think we did too much! We did so much that they have begun to feel the aftershocks with another major quake on the 12th of May 2015, resulting in more deaths and injuries. Days after the first earth quake I could not walk anywhere without seeing someone collecting money for “Nepal,” or some activity happening in the name of Nepal. All social media, every network, everyone was on the new band wagon.

When will we realize that these things are just ploys to keep us poor, helpless, and powerless?

Buddhist prayer flags and mount Everest

We need to be so careful of what we are thinking as we do the things we do. We must never play into the hands of the “powers that be” to begin, once again to spread fear amongst ourselves. And we need most importantly to take control of our Christ consciousness given to every human being, and begin to use it ourselves and not allow it to be used by another. For some reason we have been led to think and believe that if we do nothing, then we are doing nothing. But as long as we are not living life in a totally loving and accepting manner, not judging any man but seeing God in every person we meet, then we are contributing to the world consciousness of fear, and Nepal is an example of what fear creates.


Nepal is a beautiful country with magnificent people. It boarders the Great Himalayas and is home to many of the world’s greatest Guru masters and teachers. Millions travel to the Himalayas for spiritual guidance and to get closer to God. It is the home of Mount Everest, the tallest mountain in the world where millions go to concur their fears and get to know themselves. It boarders Tibet, where the great Scientist Gregg Braden has discovered the evidence of thousands of monks in daily prayer to keeping the world scales from tilting into fear and evidence of thousands of scrolls, with secret knowledge hidden from the world. It boarders India the home of many of the present day spiritual leaders and lastly it boarders two of the most populated countries in the world. Is it still a “Natural Disaster”? Or is it the unavoidable results From All Thoughts Everywhere called FATE. There are no accidents, no co incidences and no Fate. Everything is created, and the only creator on earth you, human!

Joyce Author (Phenomenal Women) New Thought Movement UK


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