This is not for the weak hearted, not for the simple minded. It is not for those who believe we are separate from God. It is not for those who choose to build their fortunes, their brands and their popularity on the death of our people and the destruction of our planet. This is not for those who are sleep walking through life. It is not for those who choose to go down with the sinking ship, as long as we all go down. It is not for the many, this is for the few. This is for the few who believe in the power of the human being. It is for the few who believe in the power of words and the power of thoughts. This is for the new agers, the light workers, the warriors of light. This is for you. When a child is young, it runs to the parent at the first sign of distress, and the parent makes it better. The parent makes the monsters go away, heals the hurt, soothes the pain and sends the child out to play again. As the child grows into an adult, it no longer runs to the parent, if it does, the parent reminds the child of all it has learnt, then says “Take care of this, I know you can. This is the opportunity you have longed for to prove you are no longer a child.” And so, we as a race of people, a human race, find ourselves at this moment in time. We have grown up. We are awake. We are becoming aware of ourselves as more than what we thought we were. Now is the time to accept that we are no longer children and begin to live like adults do. It is time to accept our divinity and oneness with God and demonstrate that. It is not time to fall on our knees and pray to a man in the sky or someone or something outside of ourselves to solve the problems we have created. It is not time to run and hide, to cry or to beg God to save us from the consequences of our thoughts.
It is time for you to do it. It is time to demonstrate all that you have learnt and all that you have remembered. It is time to be the phenomenal being you are. The phenomenal being, who can calm the ocean with a few simple words, the phenomenal being, who can stop the wind by saying “Quiet, be still”, the phenomenal being, who can become one with the storm and change its direction, the phenomenal being, who can drive away the dark clouds just by being happy, the phenomenal being who can soothe the earth such that it no longer quakes. The phenomenal being who knows that the barrels of water will not turn themselves into wine. This is the time humanity has waited for. It is the time we have prepared for.
This is not the time to talk about which lives matter, when all lives matter. It is not the time to talk about race when in reality, we are one human race. It is not the time to blame, to criticise, to judge or to point the finger. It is time to take responsibility for our part in creating this opportunity. It is time to take responsibility for our world. No longer can we think, speak and act from a place of fear, an energy which breeds separation creating indifference to the plight of each other. Fear, an energy which gives us a false sense of superiority hence making others inferior. Fear, an energy which makes us right and makes all others wrong. Fear, an energy which has now become the prevailing consciousness on the planet and is the source of all the destruction, we are bringing upon ourselves. The only way to stop living in fear is to begin to live in love. Love is the most powerful energy on the planet and it is through love we will save our planet and demonstrate our readiness to move into adulthood, to move into a new dimension, to move into a new earth. Joyce | New Thought Movement UK. New Thought Movement UK