A couple days ago I read that Donald trump is the Republican Party presumptive nominee and on November 8th 2016, he will go up against either Bernie Sander or Hilary Rodham Clinton for the United States Presidency.
From the day Mr Trump announced his bid for presidency, the United States the media and the internet have bombarded us with suggestion of what to think and what to believe. Many of us have hated Trump and Trump supporters, we have laughed and criticised Trump. We judged and condemned Trump. We have believed all the Propaganda created to deceive us and we have been afraid.
But fear is false evidence appearing real. The evidence will show that there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
On June 16th 2012, Donald J Trump announced his presidential bid to the world in a short speech given in his trump tower in New York City. No big words, no rhetoric, and none of the usual empty promises clothed in long paragraphs saying nothing.
None of us bothered to read the statement to find out if there was more to Mr. apprentice, well I did not, until yesterday. In all my years on this planet, I have never voted for any political party. I have never read any political statement in its entirety. But I read this one from beginning to end and it brought tears to my eyes. It is so easy to believe what we have been told. So easy to go with the flow, to follow the general consensus, so easy not to have to create an original THOUGHT. So easy to be afraid and to hate.

Mr. Trump statement pointed to a Nation that had no clue. He mentioned a few facts that every American would agree was shocking. He mentioned the fact that America through ingenious methods found ways to fund and supply weapons to ISIS and other warring factions. He mentioned the 2300 armoured vehicles (Humvees) left on the battle field for ISIS. He mentioned a 5-billion-dollar website created by the government which has never worked. I created my website for nothing. He said that politicians were all talk and no action and that they would not bring Americans to the promise land. He said what we all know, that politicians were controlled fully by the lobbyist, by the donors and by the special interest groups.
He claimed that he was going to make America great again. He pointed out the fact that America and Americans had tremendous potential and tremendous people. He said that America had all the cards, but they did not know how to use it. They did not even know that they had the cards because the leaders of the country did not understand the game. He pointed out a fact that America had an 18 trillion-dollar debt that was rising and nothing but problems and that he would make his country rich again.
What was wrong with that? Is that not the American Dream?
But instead of hearing this, we heard something else. We heard the current president say that he was a joke. We heard comments on his looks, slurs against his wife, misrepresentation of his words. We saw propagandist paid to attend his conventions to cause trouble, and we believed it, all of it. We were grateful; we did not have to think. And so, we became afraid.
We were now afraid that Trump would build a wall between Mexico on the United States. No one remembered that every country has boarders between them and that America was already known for the longest boarder between itself and Canada which is a wall any way you look at it.
We were now afraid that trump would stop Muslims from entering the United States. No one wondered how do you know who is and who is not a Muslim; it was not as if it was written on our faces? And was it better to brand Muslims as terrorist, destroy their countries than make a difficult decision for your nation that would reduce the amount of lives lost on both at home and abroad?
We were now afraid of everything. Trump was anti everything. And everyone was afraid. From the President to actors to singers to the common man, it was time to be afraid, to take a stand, to separate, to withdraw, to shut down, time to create a consciousness of fear.
Many of us believe that the Hitler’s and the Botha’s are simply waiting in the wings for an opportunity to wreak havoc. But the truth is that bad situations and bad leaders are created out of the consciousness of the people. A people continuously existing in a consciousness of, victimization, inferiority, racism, blame, hatred, anger and fear will inevitably create a victimizer and will create the very situation it fears. What we fear the most we will attract.
But luckily there is nothing to fear. Particularly not from Trump. A reporter asked Trump how are you going to get people to vote for you, you are not a nice person. And his response was, “This is an election based on competency, people are tired of nice people”.
He said his father told him “don’t go into Manhattan, that’s the big leagues, we don’t know anything about that, don’t do it.” He responded, “I have to go into Manhattan, I’ve got to build those big buildings, I’ve got to do it dad, I have got to”
There may be a lot more to this man than what he is being portrayed as. He speaks his truth and lives his truth. We can hardly say the same for other politicians. Instead of believing what is being said, it is time to create a new Thought about things. It is time to stop being afraid and time to love, to love ourselves so much that we can take time out to seek and to find out the truth.
The truth is that, there is nothing to fear but fear itself..
Joyce Louison New Thought Movement UK http://newthoughtmovementuk.wix.com/newthoughtmovementuk