The tide has turned, the scales have been tilted. They say a rolling stone gathers no moss, but a rolling stone can cause an avalanche. And there is an avalanche, an avalanche of a shift in consciousness. A New Thought Movement has taken hold and it cannot be stopped. A movement towards world peace, a movement to an end to poverty and hunger, and the senseless killing of each other. A movement to ending sectarianism and division. A movement to oneness, unity and love.
They say a drowning man clutches at straws, shoots down planes, and tries every frail attempt to create fear.

The truth will reveal itself. And we are not afraid.
It is not that we do not care about the 224 lives, we do, I do. But we now know the truth about life. Life is eternal!
It is a time of fulfilment. All scientist, writers, philosophers, yogis, spiritual leaders, teacher, it is your time, it is time to reap what you have been sewing. It is no longer a time to point finger or to cast blame. For to do so is like pumping the chest of the dying man and giving him mouth to mouth resuscitation. It is time for celebration. The avalanche has begun and there is no stopping it.
It is the time we have all dreamed of. It is truly what those who are fighting wars desire. it is what all those who dream of heaven worked for. It is heaven. It simply is not coming from the skies. It is coming from the hearts of men. It is coming from you. It is what Jesus tried to teach us by feeding the five thousand with five loaves and two fishes and multitudes with seven loaves and a few fishes. It was what he meant when he said, “these things and more, more, more, shall ye also do” It is what the Buddha meditated his whole life for. It is what Yogananda tried to create. It is peace on earth.

It is a time where a soldier will look into the eyes of the person to whose head he is holding a gun- not the blue, green, or brown sparkly part, but the black empty space- and see himself. Not as an esoteric, theoretical truth, but literally. And he will not be able to pull the trigger because who hurts themselves? The time is at hand where we will look at each other and see ourselves in each other. We will see who we were before we changed through enlightenment and discipline and who we can be again if we once again forget.
You cannot stop the tide, or the avalanche! You can either join it or be crushed by it! You can no longer hide behind the veil of mass consciousness, for mass consciousness has tilted on the side of love and into positivity. Consciousness is evolving.
But we still love you, and we are sorry, and we forgive you, and we are grateful for you.
We love you because you are us in the changing and we are you in the making. We love you because love is all there is.
We are sorry because we did not understand. We are sorry because we blamed and criticised, judged and condemned you. We are sorry because we ignored you and made you rot.
We forgive you, for you know not what you do. We forgive you for you are still asleep and have yet to awaken.
We are grateful to you, for without the bad we could not know the good. We are grateful for you, for without you, we could have this opportunity to see the magnificence of humanity!
The time of fulfilment is truly, truly at hand.
Written by Joyce Louison