IS the News Real, Fake, or Reuters ?
I watched the news recently and was momentarily despaired by the following, among others;
1. It appeared that Prime Minister David Cameron was on a campaign to further divide the United Kingdom.
2. While the world was distracted by the Charlie Hebdo fiasco, the shock, was that, in west Africa the Boko Haram (an organization forbidding western education, and which has obviously, now been branded a terrorist group) development, had not made the news for more than one minute, when more than eighty people had already been killed.
3. Forty-five churches had been touched in Niger, allegedly in response to the Charlie Hebdo protest.
So, I ask again, how much of the news is news, how much is sensationalism, how much is fake and how much is REUTERS?
I would like to say, “the war is on!” But the war, has always been on. The war is between man and himself / woman and herself. Sow what side are you on? For you have always been on one side, or another. But the real question is what side do you want to be on?
I am on the winning side.

I am in the side of love.
I am on the Mahatma Gandhi’s non-violent side.
I am on Jesus’s “turn the other check side.”
I am on Martin Luther king’s and Mandela’s side.
I am on God’s side, for God is love.
I am on my side, your side, I am on every human being’s side.
What side are you on?
Nigeria is one of Africa’s riches nations, where enlightenment has arrived and where people are now realizing the power of the human mind. How better to break a chain than to destroy its greatest link? For the hundred and twenty-eight (128) girls
that no one fought for, we must pay. Because for every action, or non-action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. But the price does not have to be exorbitant, if we decide to fight this time. Not with weapons of warfare, as advocated by the president of Ghana, but by Gandhi’s proven ,successful, non-violent method.
“Non-Violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.” Mahatma Gandhi
The news reiterated ” many of those seized in the attacks were women and children”. How long will we stand back and see our children killed and our future destroyed?.
Africa wake up!, the time has always been at hand. It is just more prevalent now that we as women take up the mantle, put on the robe of illumination. It is time to be phenomenal. It is time to turn back the tide. The world was created by God for the pleasure of humans and it is time women take the reins or we will all go over the cliff of destruction.
Ghana’s President John Mahama suggested a multinational force to be sent to fight Nigerian rebels calling themselves boko Haram. Really Mr President? Really? How many more of our people, your people, the world’s people, must be killed, before we take back our power.
While all of this is taking place right here at home our very own prime minister Mr David Cameron was busy getting letters sent out to all the muslin community inducing their cooperation in the war on terror. Basically, inciting fear and division amongst the people. The prime minister states “we are faced with a severe threat, because we believe an attack is highly likely. We have struggled with Islamic terrorism now for well over fifteen years. We know what it takes to win.” Win what? There is no winner in war. There are only losers. Death is not a victory, life is, if you live it. The president went on as far as to state, on National TV, that anyone who had a problem with the letter, has a problem.
The United Kingdom, you seem to forget, belongs to everyone. It belongs to those people who were born here and those who have immigrated to this country. It belongs to Christians, Muslims, Jew, Hindus, Atheist and every other religious affiliation. The act of singling out one group, as appose to another, is a divisive act, strategically designed to create fear and mistrust.
The residents and citizens of this country will not allow fear and mistrust to divide or separate us. We have been there before, and we are turning the tide. And if men are not willing to stand for love, we, as women of this world, we will stand. As women we refuse to believe, that the so-called terrorist acts, are being committed by Muslims, or by any persons, of any particular faith. And therefore, we refuse to continue to apologies for something, we are not responsible for. The acts are being committed by the powers that be, those who have the most to benefit from it. They are being committed by human beings. And fighting terror with terror has proven itself to be very effective, in breading more terror. We will love we will love ourselves and our brothers and our sisters. We will love our countries for it is only by loving, can hate, anger and fear be concurred.
Home secretary and M.P, Theresa May, was also quoted as saying “Many Jewish people are feeling vulnerable and fearful. The Jews fear for their families and for themselves and that they have their own security, who patrol the streets along side the police.” Really? Some how I don’t believe that. But if that is so, I call upon Jews, to feel no fear. For the thing that you fear the most, will overtake you and become your reality. Rather love your neighbours as you love your self. Anti-Semitism is not written on any one face or tattooed on their foreheads. You are like every other person a citizen of this land who pays taxes to be “protected” by the police. Let not your heart be troubled by those who can kill the body, for after that what else can they do? death is only a transition, not an end.
Love is the only answer. I love you all.
New Thought movement UK Ltd.
Joyce – Author Phenomenal Women