Health & Wellness Life Coaching
30-days Health & Wellness Life Coaching
Join me in this 30-days Health & Wellness Life Coaching Program in which I show you how to use the power of your thoughts to heal yourself from any illness or disease.
I am Joyce Lewis (Louison), the world’s only Thought Expert. I am a writer, a motivational speaker, on the power of thought and a Thought Expert Life Coach.
I will show you how to discover the thoughts which create illness in your body, change those thoughts, and create new thoughts that will reverse the effects of those illness-causing thoughts. I will enlighten on how to use natural healing therapies, yoga, exercise, and proper nutrition to maintain health in your body and mind.
After completing this 30-days Health & Wellness Life Coaching Program, you slow down or stop your ageing process and your will never again be sick, without knowing exactly why. You will experience phenomenal health and wellness in mind and body.