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Think Yourself Phenomenal by Joyce Lewis (Louison)

Think Yourself Phenomenal


Think Yourself Phenomenal is a DIY Life Coaching Book for Women by Thought Expert, Joyce Lewis (Louison). Through many years of experience, Joyce has developed this bespoke step-by-step guide, which shows you how to control and direct your thoughts to create Phenomenal Wealth & SuccessPhenomenal Health & Wellness, & Phenomenal Relationships.

This DIY Life Coaching Book for Women will help you:

Change old limiting & disempowering thoughts to new healing thoughts,
* Eliminate fear from your life,
* Learn how to heal yourself using the power of your mind,
* Take responsibility in all your relationships,

Guarantee your children’s success,

Learn to put yourself first, and

* Become the best and highest version of yourself.

DIY Life Coaching for Women | New Thought Movement UK


Joyce is a Thought Expert, who has a deep understanding of thought, how powerful thought is, and how the thought process works.

Joyce believes that every situation in our life falls into one of these three categories. health,  wealth,  or relationships.  She also believes that every situation can be change through a change in THOUGHT, BELIEF, & PESPECTIVE.

With this Think Yourself Phenomenal, DIY Life Coaching Book for Women, you get to DO IT YOURSELF,  as a result of following the detailed instructions and reading the life experience examples. 


The Think Yourself Phenomenal, DIY Life Coaching Book for Women, contains topics such as the following:​

  • The three main fears which hinders your wealth & success and how to overcome them.

  • How to use your mind to help you achieve success.

  • How to change old, limiting, disempowering sponsoring thoughts which stops you from achieving your goals.

  • Creating your dream life, the step by step process.

  • How to heal your physical body, using the power of your mind.

  • Natural healing therapies and how to naturally prevent diseases.

  • How to think your children into success and how to know when to let go.

  • How to put yourself first and create unconditionally loving relationships.

  • Understanding the purpose of relationships and becoming a self-realised being.

DIY Life Coaching for Women | New Thought Movement UK



This book and the Think Yourself Phenomenal System is about changing your thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives. It requires a certain level of faith and the ability to dispel fear and doubt. In addition It requires dedication and consistency.  But if you return to the same old way of thinking, then your results will change to match your thoughts. However if you go through the System, implement and practice the solutions, with a real desire for change, your life and your health will be transformed.


Reprogram Your Mind by Joyce Lewis (Louison)

In every era there is a book that changes the world. Reprogramme Your Mind is said to be the missing link or the defining factor which can change the world, and which until now, has eluded mankind. REPROGRAM YOUR MIND is not just an eye opener, it is a mind liberator!

It is a story of the thought expert becoming…

“IMAGINE YOU HAVE A DIRECT LINE TO GOD, AND YOU COULD ASK GOD ABOUT ANYTHING, WHAT WOULD YOU ASK?” Contained within the pages of GOD SAYS is a compilation of questions and responses, from all over the universe, (aka Facebook). God Says give God an opportunity to demonstrate itself as a thought expert having access to all wisdom and knowledge in the universe.

God Says by Joyce Lewis (Louison)
Warrior of Light by Joyce Lewis (Louison)

WARRIOR OF LIGHT is the story of the divine being who takes up human form, dawns the cloak of forgetfulness to gain experiences in the human realm, designed to help it remember who and what it is, and why it has come to earth. Then the warrior awakes, it remembers who and what it is, it connects the dots and proceeds to answer the call.

BOOK OF QUOTES 3-book series is the culmination of a very long and exciting journey, which began in 2014 and has resulted in this gift to the world of 999 (333 X 3) new thought, original quotations by yours’s truly, thought Expert, Joyce Lewis. 333 inspirational, 333 motivational, and 333 quotes of gratitude.

Book of Quotes (3 book collection) by Joyce Lewis Louison
Poems & Prose by Thought Expert Joyce Lewis (Louison)

POEMS & PROSE is a beautiful and thought provoking compilation of over one hundred and fifty (150) poems and prose written in moments of divine inspiration spanning over five years.

POEMS & PROSE will help you raise your level of consciousness, heal your life and to heal your world, motivate you to become bigger and better and cultivate and attitude of gratitude within you.


contains over 200 affirmations to will help you awaken the divine power within you, and speed you on your journey to enlightenment, as you get to know who you really are, eliminate fear from your life, and become a self-realised being.

Affirmation for Enlightenment by Thought Expert Joyce Lewis (Louison)
Introduction to Thought by Thought Expert Joyce Lewis (Louison)

This INTRODUCTION TO THOUGHT gives you a beginning understanding of what is thought, how the thought process works and how your thoughts impact your life and your world.

This is the NEW THOUGHT MOVEMENT UK MANIFESTO, is the official manifesto of the New Thought Movement UK. It is a detail description of who we are, what we believe and the reason for our existence.

New Thought Movement UK's Manifesto
Phenomenal Women by Thought Expert Joyce Lewis (Louison)

Phenomenal Women is a book about my journey to enlightenment and my personal manifesto. On the 8th of March 2014 I had what I call an awakening, during which my life played our in my mind like a broken record. I felt the urge to send this out in messages to my female friends, it became this book, my gift to women. 


30-days Relationship Life Coaching Program, Joyce Lewis (Louison)

30-days Relationship Life Coaching Program in which you uncovers the subconscious thoughts that are destroying your relationships, change them and create new thoughts to heal every aspect of your relationships.

30-days Health & Wellness Life Coaching program, Joyce Lewis (Louison)

30-days Health & Wellness Life Coaching program in which you discover the thoughts which created illness in your body and help you change those thoughts, create new thoughts, that will erase the effects of those illness-causing thoughts.

30-days Wealth & Success Life Coaching Program, Joyce Lewis (Louison)

30-days Wealth & Success Life Coaching Program in which you uncover the subconscious thoughts, that keep you from creating your desired level of wealth and success in your life, change them, create new thoughts that will empower you to create the life of your dreams.


Relationships Advance Thought Course

An unprecedented advance thought course in which thought expert Joyce shows you how to control and direct your thoughts to create the phenomenal relationships of your dreams.


Health & Wellness Advance Thought Course

An unprecedented advance thought course in which thought expert Joyce shows you how to control and direct your thoughts to heal yourself of any illness or disease and create the phenomenal health & wellness of your dreams.

Wealth & Success Advance Thought Course

An unprecedented advance thought course in which thought expert Joyce shows you how to control and direct your thoughts to create the phenomenal wealth & success of your dreams.


Introduction to Thought is an online course, in which Thought Expert Joyce Lewis  (Louison) introduces you to thought, and reveals everything you need to know about the power of thought, to control and direct your thoughts, to create the phenomenal relationships, phenomenal health & wellness, and phenomenal wealth & success in your life.

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60B Ballyhalbert Gardens


BT19 1SF

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